CORD Response to Nkaissery
The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy takes a great exception to the unfortunate statement issued by the interior cabinet Secretary this evening.
We reiterate that the right to picket and demonstrate is not a privilege granted by the state but rather a right guaranteed by the constitution under article 37 .
Clearly Gen Nkaissery is living in the past. His utterances smack of an old colonial order that is laden with the impunity of the past. He is out of touch with our new dispensation. The statement itself is a manifestation of dereliction of duty by both the inspector general of police and the interior cabinet Secretary.
We remind CS Nkaissery that he has no powers, real or imagined to purport to prohibit any demonstrations under the new constitutional dispensation. It also flies in the face of a court order issued by Justice Onguto on 6th June. Similarly, Nkaissery must forthwith stop meddling in the affairs of the police service as set out under the constitution.
It’s our considered opinion that Nkaissery order to prohibit demonstrations is illegal and unconstitutional both in form and substance.
Consequently, we will tomorrow issue a notification of peaceful demonstrations on Monday and Thursday next week to the police pursuant to the public order Act and the court order issued on 6th June 2016 . Unlawful orders must be treated with contempt.
Norman Magaya
Chief Executive Officer
CORD Secretariat
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