By Onimo Onguru III
JUST A REMINDER: 1980-1992…12 Solid years…Jaramogi under house arrest, Raila is moving between Kamiti and shimo LA tewa…No Odingaism…the ruling party is KANU whose chairman is Okiki Amayo, from Karachuonyo, the heart of South Nyanza…Dalmas Minister , Owigo Olang, Ndolo Ayah, Ouko Robert ,Oloo Aringo, Odongo Omamo, Okwanyo Jakatiga, were all ministers. In a cabinet of 17, there were 8 Luos and Oyugi Ogango was a permanent secretary in charge of internal affairs, more powerful than any minister ..
Yes, this period….its the same period that cotton industry collapsed and kikomi was closed ….its the same period when Sugar fortunes died….all the roads in South Nyanza were in pathetic state…Katito homabay, homabay – Rongo. Rodi- Sori, Homabay-Mbita etc…in fact the only road in South Nyanza during this period was the single lane from Kisumu through kisii to Isebania, the A1…
Kenya power closed their regional office in homabay and moved to kisii since their was not economic activity in the region..
All beaches south of Homabay didn’t have electricity…I remember fish rotting during rainy seasons, which is also the bumper period, due to lack of storage and pathetic roads…
Then Raila happened, first with Rainbow then coalition government… 2002-2012… We all know that katito- homabay, homabay- Rongo, Homabay-Mbita, Rodi- Sori and now A1 were all upgraded during the 10 years…not single beach lacks electricity and now Kenya power office in Homabay and Migori and busy….
When somebody parades Dalmas as a leader…I simply blames ignorance. When somebody blames Odinga family for poor leadership, I don’t know what they will say of the characters that dominated luo politics in 1980s…Jodalawa, we need better leaders not Raila and Odinga enemies
We need people with agenda but not south Nyanza vs central… As early as 1903 South Nyanza ( Ugaya District) was separate from North Kavirondo or what you call Central Nyanza…
No one has colonised anyone and we have owe no one apology….
Otieno Kasije Raila ok did piem go
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