By Anwar Sadat
To “those” security agencies living in squalid structures, forced to share one room shanties ,with male and female living together; who only earns Shs 18,000 monthly salary; who struggle to provide for their family; who are not able to provide the best medical care for their family; who pay higher taxes; whose relatives are not employed; those whose relatives died as a result of the doctors strike; We wish to advise you: Do not accept to be used by an elite billionaire, who borrows money from donors, pays your salary with 0.0001% and steals the rest.
This billionaire and his family have homes and properties in London, Dubai, South Africa and Switzerland.
On August 2017, just like other Kenyans, we expect you to go out and vote. We hope that you will vote having in mind your living conditions and the future of your children. Though it is your democratic right to vote your choice and your vote is your secret.
We know there are a few of your superiors, who have immensely benefited from the corruption of the Jubilee administration, and may want to indoctrinate you with their warped idea that defending Jubilee is doing your duty. No my friends, your duty is to defend the Kenyan nation and its people.
Please do not accept to be used. Because when the shit hits the fan, and Jubilee cannot borrow no more to pay your salary, the billionaire and his friends will migrate their families to their mansions abroad, living you and your family behind.
As those of us who have struggled with higher costs of living, higher taxes, poor healthcare, higher unemployment, low wages, higher inflation, us whose relatives have been killed by terrorist because the Jubilee administration chose to use the intelligence for political witch hunt and not secure our land, us whose relatives serving as soldiers has been killed and Jubilee refuses to pay their benefits, will be voting out Jubilee and guarding our votes, because the future of our children is not guaranteed with Jubilee as the custodian of our nation. We hope you will Join us.
Finally, as Uhuru your C.I.C is aware, the cost of rigging this year’s election is too high.
We don’t expect Uhuru to protest the outcome of the people’s choice, though he is free to do it. What we expect from him is to peacefully hand over power. But we will cross that bridge when we get there.
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