Kongowea MCA Jabess Oduor who last year sued the county government of Mombasa and H.E Gov Hassan Joho over a plot of land that he (Jabess) had grabbed has 5 charges to answer in court as per shanzu law courts in Mombasa ….
Jabess Oduor claimed to have legally acquired the plot But court has established that ;
1. Contrary to section 349Penal Code Mr Jabess Forged documents to claim ownership of the plot.
2. Contrary to section 357(d) Jabess made documents without authority to ascertain that the plot was his …
3. Contrary to section 353 Jabess uttered False Document to ascertain that the plot Belonged to him
4. Forgery of Receipts Contrary to Section 349 of the penal Code to ascertain that his documents were gnuine
5. Making a False Document without Authority Contrary to section 357(d) of the penal Code
6. Uttering a False Document contrary to section 353 Of the penal Code .. with Intent to deceive Jabess uttered a certain document at a fact that he knew to be false ..
Contrary to Mr Jabess who claims the plot to be his the county Government insists that the plot is an open space and part of the road reserve for both 4th Avenue and Boa Road junction. The space was left open to enable visibility of oncoming traffic.
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