By Dorcas S
There are some days I wake up and say to myself that I am going to have a great day – and take the day’s events with a happy-go-lucky disposition.
I started today saying that things are bad but they could always be worse.
I was on my first (and only) cup of Sumatra when I happened upon the video of Kenya Police Spokesman Charles Owino explaining away the “suicide” of murder suspect David Mwai and I was like WT$#%#!
Come on man!
Have we become that gullible and accepting of idiocy that we hear such blather and scurry along to the next comedy of errors – without getting pissed?
So Kenyans are supposed to believe that the deceased supposedly hang himself thus:
– He excused himself to use the men’s room, you know “help himself in the toilets…”. This he did without any guard/s – the high-profile nature of the accusation notwithstanding.
– He then removed his jacket and “inside the jacket we have a lining…(which) he carefully “removed” as well. He was able to perform this potentially tedious and time-consuming operation without raising any suspicion!
David Mwai also maintained the integrity of the lining to enable its use in his ultimate goal – “hanging” himself!
– Then using the “bucket” or “mtungi” or “jerry can”, the alleged hitman was somehow able to hoist himself high enough and steady himself long enough to tie one end of the inner lining of the jacket onto the rafter up on the roof/ceiling AND the other end of said lining around his neck.
– This David Mwai accomplished with nary a sound/noise to alert the guards/police who were supposed to be manning the station at the time.
– This Mwai did – presumably on the first try!
Think about it:
The accused hitman carefully tore off the lining from his jacket, stood on the “bucket” or “mtungi” or “jerry can”, tied one end of the lining onto a point on the roof and the other end around his neck, secure enough to withstand the gravitational pull exerted by the deadweight of a full-grown adult male for as long as it took to either induce asphyxiation or break the neck – whatever the “official” cause of death was!
If ever there was an example of a government that acts with impunity; completely oblivious/indifferent to the majority of sovereigns who now believe that the “leaders” they ceded power to are selfish bastards, this video is the latest in a boatload of evidence that attest to that view.
1) Was the jacket fully-lined or half-lined?
We have to assume that it was either fully-lined or half-lined BECAUSE Owino said so – not entirely convincing but that’s all we can go on.
On the other hand, I can ask for the brand of the jacket, get the garment tag/label and ask the manufacturer for details about the jacket including whether or not it had a lining.
I ‘d be curious to know what kind of material/fabric the inner lining was made of – natural or synthetic?
Most bespoke suits have silk or silk blend linings.
Others have either one of the following – rayon, polyester or acetate – with most off-the-rack suits prone to using inexpensive synthetic materials to reduce cost.
The foregoing are just some of the questions any crime scene investigator (CSI) – or competent lawyer – would ask Mr. Owino.
1) Each of the material – rayon, polyester or acetate – has a breaking AND elongation point – (channeling bae’s material science experience!)
They will break once their tensile point is exceeded (unless the knots yield first).
On the other hand, if the lining does not break, it will elongate or stretch out before breaking OR until Mwai’s feet touch the floor – which comes first.
I am sure the police department has some crack mathematicians who can do the calculations to prove that the lining material from David Mwai’s jacket was strong enough to suspend the man’s deadweight long enough to induce death or simply get the fabric’ technical specifications to see what the tensile/yield/elongation point of the fabric is.
And I’d imagine that there are trace fibers of the lining on the attachment point on the roof – consistent with the forces the suicide applied onto the fabric i.e. downward/radial tensile.
2) Is it a “mtungi”, a “jerry can” or a “bucket” – because in my humble un-kumiralike opinion, the three mean three completely different things – but maybe that’s just me!
How high was the “mtungi”? What was it made of? What was the surface area – directly related to its stability as Mwai was perched atop?
Was that material strong enough to withstand the weight of the deceased? What was the weight of the deceased?
3) Most ceilings, stateside vary in height, 10-15ft so between the height of the “mtungi” and the wingspan of the deceased (legs/arms/full body extension), the man had enough to allow him to tie the lining onto the roof/ceiling with enough left to secure his neck!
4) How tall was the deceased?
Given the claim by that paragon of incorruptibility and competence Kenya Police that David Mwai “committed suicide by ‘hanging’ himself”, a perfect storm of factors all came together to facilitated that outcome!
Simply amazing!
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