About 3 weeks ago, IPSOS conducted a poll on Msambweni. It was very informative and actually projected the Independent Candidate as the preferred. According to the findings, people wanted to basically try someone different and unaffiliated because they have never gained much from voting along party lines and that perhaps this approach would work in their favor. That basically was the issue.
Then the Independent candidate was a brother to the former MP.
Tanga Tanga are falling over themselves trying to own Bader. However, people did NOT vote Bader because of tanga tanga. The people of Msambweni spoke among themselves and said they wanted to chart their own course and see where it could lead them this time in matters development. The issue of land was cited among other things that they said have never been resolved
Anonymous says
ODM fools as usual of them had tag the election with the SNAKE BBI success if their candidate had won the election but GOD has rejected that draft by Lucifer and these children of the devil with the SNAKE BBI manifestor going nowhere.
It’s time every body become independent candidates and forget about political parties headed by pimps, vampires and fraudsters. This way the citizens of the republic of kenya will elect good standing leaders from the thugs of these abyss parties..
Bravo for rejecting the candidates supported by vampire, fraudster powered by the satanic handshake fallacy.