Green Greetings to all people aboard China flight to Kenya.
It has come to our attention that yesterday 27 th February 2020 our Government allowed the flight carrying over 230 Chinese to land at our airspace,the American Government immediately issued an advisory notice to all its citizens from visiting public populace places and joints, claiming there is a possible terrorist attack.
We Kenyans of goodwill support the stand by the government of US and European Union for precautionary measures, we hope and also reiterate the intervention was not in anyway presipitated by the landing of that China flight,we humbly request all Ambassadors in Kenya to share with Kenya Government their observations and possible collaboration if and when the CoronaVirus blows out of propotion in Kenya.
We call for President Uhuru to immediately address the nation and emphasize the need for immediate intervention,I.e closure of all public and private institutions that is ECD, schools,college’s and universities.
We call for the halt of all BBI and political meetings and rallies,similarly all citizens are requested to avoid leisure joints,bars hotels and lodges.
We demand all prisoners and remandees be immediately released,we request that monies allocated to prison be channelled towards equiping citizens with medical supplies and employment of more nurses and doctors.
As for the Chinese through their Ambassador to Kenya,the Billion of loans our Government took and purported to develope the country,will always be fought and reneged given that our leaders are given power to oversee our country through public participation process any dept owed or accrued without input from Mwanainchi is null and void,given that all poer belong to the people of Kenya, donating powers to those elected,its on this basis,we Kenyans are respected due to our strong compassion, freindship and openess,we feel cheated and lied to, by the way Chinese are operating in this country.A simple question to Chinise ambassador in Kenya, if CoronaVirus or any virus/outbreak could have strike Kenya would the Chinese Government have accepted or allowed the Kenya flight to land in their country ?
Be informed that in Africa we have a saying that states “advise is least heeded when most needed” if in any way few days from now Corona Virus strikes the country be infomed the reaction from citizens will be dire and damaging.
For those leaders in our Government whom thrive in confusion and haphazardly directed the flight to land in Nairobi,we call for your resignation and charges for imprisonment for exposing the country to external threat.
Its on this front we call for scientific researched solution to all viruses and possible mitigative measures,especially Convid 19, we also call for government to embark on search for alternative medicines, I.e Does “Kiraiku” sniffed by maasai a catalyser to coronavirus.
We take cognizant of potential aggravating measures by different countries against Kenya due to its cozy relationship with China and especially now the CoronaVirus has annihilated hundreds, as freinds of Kenya government we wish to state “Adversity makes strange bedfellows, thus its important you support our Kenya Government with technical and financial support.
Thank You.
Githinji Kamotho
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