Death of Christabel Ouko Has Rubbed Salt In The Wounds Of Late Robert Ouko Family.
By Jactone Ambuka
My heartfelt condolences goes to the family of the late Robert Ouko following the death of Christabel Ouko who perished in a road accident.
Christabel was wife to the the late cabinet minister for foreign affairs Dr. Robert Ouko who was brutally assassinated during the infamous administration of President Moi.
Nearly three decades down the line, the Kenyan government has not pursued, arrested and prosecuted those who murdered Dr. Ouko. Institutions mandated with investigative and prosecutorial responsibilities continues to sleep on the job in the beds comforted with political and tribal blankets with their heads well rested on the pillow of inneficiency.
Sadly, so many prominent Kenyans have been added to the list of finest Kenyans who were assassinated for no crime of their own. In fact, some were assassinated for diligently doing their job of serving the nation, an act that unsettled insecure, corrupt and dictatorial leaders.
But let me be clear, it is the responsibility of the government to protect its citizen. Any government including it’s officials who puts citizens in harms way has got no moral authority to lead. In this context, Kenyan government has repeatedly harmed it’s citizens.
More importantly, extrajudicial killings must come to an end, they have no place in a civilized society. Those who harm or conspire to harm others must be held accountable in accordance with the law. A society that fails to punish thieves, murderers, corrupt and criminals entrenches impunity. A country that emboldens impunity is like a house built on the sand. It has no future.
Today as I mourn the death of Christabel Ouko, I also mourn the unresolved mysterious and painful demise of gallant Kenyans such as Pio Gama Pinto,Tom Mboya, Josiah Mwangi Kairiuki, Robert Ouko, Otieno Mbai, Mugabe Were, Muchai, Jacob Juma and Chris Msando etc. May almighty God visit the killers with a Godly vengeance.
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