If there is something which divides Kenyans along ethnic lines, then that thing is politics. Erstwhile good friends mutate fast into sworn enemies, in conformation to the prevailing political wind
If there is something that unites Kenyans, it is a leaked sex video! Kenyans defy the tribal, political, religious frontiers to solicit such video and share them across board
Currently, the country is pulling in different directions, with wheelbarrow politics being the fault line. The country badly needed a relief from these shenanigans
Luckily, two acrobats, a Size 8 and a DJ Mo have decided to give us exactly what we wanted. I hear they have brand new scandal, complete with a sex video, and this is sure to unite the country and hold it together, until such a time when another tangatanga rally will happen, to tell back the gains achieved
Those with this video, please share with us, in the spirit of brotherhood
In other news, this hustler narrative, is potentially explosive and should be discarded at all costs. It is an incitement againt the rich
As the de jure president of the hoof eaters, I can tell you for free that we the poor man, don’t like the rich man, and that’s our default
That’s why it is natural for onlookers to gang up and lynch a motorist, if engaged in an accident with a bodaboda, who has no driver’s licence, rides an unroadworthy bike and is also drunk
The poor man believes he is poor because someone else is rich. The hustler narrative is formalising this thinking, setting the stage for a battle between the rich and the poor
Soon the rich will be under siege, like it was the case with people with albinism in Tanzania. Do not think you are safe. The word rich is ambiguous and anyone can be qualified as rich for purposes of attacking
Remember, as Desiderata says, there will always be persons lesser than you and persons greater than you. If taken in the context of wealth, it means everyone is a rich man to someone else and so he is a potential victim
In any case, it may be genuinely difficult to access the filthy wealthy as they are safely insulated from the world, in their leafy neighbourhood and the people who may face the full wrath of the poor are those the middle class, people who have struggled to be where they are unlike the looting politicians at the top
The 2007/8 PEV happened on the basis of the ethnicity, but the richer one was the more furry was applied in attacking his homestead. Some extremely poor people were spared even if from the target communities
I know the capabilities of a poor man. He is hungry and very dangerous. Don’t afford him a platform to attack the rich
Why lie, when we can say the truth?
By Jerome Ogola via Facebook
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