By O Nyachae
I had this perception that the DP is a very smart political operative. But recent events are pushing me away from that narrative. Since the handshake between Uhuru and Baba, the man has become ERRATIC, EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE & POLITICALLY RECKLESS.
DP Ruto’s actions and words have been that of a political neophyte. Take for instance the multi-billion Dams Scandal – he contradicted the DCI and EACC on actual amount lost, like it matters! MONEY has been lost! Period. Acknowledge then say the DPP, DCIO and EACC are seized of the matter. Promise full government support!
Well, today at a press briefing outside his office, he did not disappoint, he did it again! Yes the deadly hunger in Baringo and Turkana my goodness!
How do you stand and say NO Kenyan has died of hunger when KENYA RED CROSS is on location and has confirmed otherwise? How could he forget that millions of Kenyans saw on Live TV an area chief in Turkana confirm people have DIED of hunger? He should have just promised speedy government support. He should have ordered for immediate intergovernmental liaison action team bringing together county governments, church, local NGOs and Red Cross to deliver food and aid to the suffering people.
DP Ruto should act like the hustler he is and speak from the ground!. What happened to the guy after the handshake? He’s now full of hubris. He’s angry at everyone. He’s becoming hallucinatory. He can actually stand up tonight and say tomorrow is Wednesday, even when everyone knows it’s Tuesday!
GREAT MEN, from Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar to King Xerxes, etc had one thing in common: WISE MEN WHO PROVIDED COUNSEL. Who’s Ruto’s wisemen? the two kipchumbas of Murkomen and Oscar Sudi? People who can’t even advise a cattle dip chairman in Elgeyo Marakwet or in Kapseret? But who said Ruto is great? No one and there’s no evidence to the contrary.
Why in God’s name could you be so casual and glaringly stupid? Maybe he intends to retire with Uhuru in 2022…that’ll be GOOD RIDDANCE.
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