By Oguyo Thiringi
Rumours doing rounds that Ruto will accompany President Uhuru Kenyatta in his Luo Nyanza tours this week can only be an imagination we can term as a “blackbox” no one should ever open.
The only leader with absurd vengeance who will never strike a common ground with Luos is William Ruto, a man who started with a weak trusted hands in politics, built his political career on falsely manufactured siege mentality, reaped maximum mileage in using Raila Amollo as his launching pad to slay Moi, then striked alliances with enemies when “the change movement” needed him most. Luos saw through this charade long time ago. He has desperately tried to loosen the iron grip Rao holds among the Luos even using the likes of Obado without success.
He has been launching persistent naked assaults and unhealthy taunts on Rao’s dignity, employing tactics of classic ethnic baiting continuously exposing Luo community as an enemy to everyone. He trampled on Uhuru-Raila handshake deal with bitterness, wearing red and launching nukes while sort of being chased by a bull in a China shop…
Outside luo nation, his perceived negative stand against the war on corruption and good governance and national reconciliation may not augur well for his visit to Kisumu. Bitterness because the deal increased Raila’s leverage significantly in Uhuru’s life but reduced the President’s undivided attention to him, at a time when the he needs it most.
He banked on risky gambles. He never mapped out implications of his moves. Then this fundermental misconception that because he is the DP, so he’s an automatic entity in the handshake.
A fallacy!. Politics don’t work that way. The ideals and ideas must be compatible!.
He sabotaged and rejected the deal with a lot of theatrics. He co-opted his tribe and MPs in calling Raila Odinga a con transporting conmanship into Jubilee coalition, a juvenile rhetoric that he hasn’t withdrawn. So embracing something late in tha day… when you’ve already lost public goodwill, is a mockery and a skeptical move.
That perception that he is in the “handshake” is politically naive and inaccurate. Such are lamentations driven by those fronting for his relevance in opposition strongholds.
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