Section of MCAs in Nairobi county caused commotion at the county assembly in the speaker’s office demanding her exit after last week’s impeachment.
The MCAs were seen shouting as police officers were forced to intervene.
” toka nje bwana, apana tambua wewe,. Akwende” one MCA was heard shouting.
(Get out, we do not know you. Let her leave)
The unknown MCA was seen dancing as she continued asking the speaker to get out of her office.
“Enough is enough she should leave,” she said.
Police had to throw tear gas canisters in the building leaving people in tears.
Elachi who wore pink suit was seen untouchable as she drunk her water while standing.
Majority leader Abdi Guyo and minority leader Elias Otieno led the MCAs into Elachi’s office as they continued shouting.
Guyo has asked Elachi to leave her office in an orderly manner citing that she has a family and would be wrong with the clashes being experienced.
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