By Hesbon Omollo
I have carefully evaluated the current shenanigans in IEBC that is fully controlled by jubilee..
Chiloba is a criminal that should not be walking free, leave alone going to work to forment criminality in a public institution.
James Muhati is another one who should not be reporting on duty. To think that he is still in charge of IEBC ICT environment is Farce.
Immaculate Kasait is a bigger one too.
Then there are these commissioners who are clearly hell bent on buttressing the jubilee agenda. And they are 4 of them.
The guy called Alex Kioni is another criminal behind IEBC ICT system.
Safran Morpho should be investigated .
Over the years we have tried to reform IEBC by replacing commissioners but leave secretariat intact..This entity is fully under siege by state agencies.
October 17th election is a SHAM.
For NASA I can tell you for free, what happened on 8:8:2017 was a rehearsal. This would be worse.
The French government and EU have not spoken on criminal acts of their companies and citizens in Kenya whose role has been to subvert our the popular will of the people.
Raila and Kalonzo and entire NASA brigade are wasting their time campaigning.
This IEBC should not be allowed to organize any election.
Let us not sanitize the actions of Chiloba and his team of criminals. And already they are at it again.
NASA should be camping at DPP’s office and CID hqs demanding prosecution of criminals in IEBC .
The media has been silenced and talks of criminal acts as normal occurrences.
The end game of this charade is clear.
We are too soft with these criminals and this has emboldened them..
Thank me later on the 18th October 2017.
Judiciary has done its bit, others have a duty too. Next time Maraga and Judiciary will not save our democracy.
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