By Robert M A Kiberenge
“I still maintain my previous position that the queuing, identification and voting at polling stations were largely smooth and peaceful. On behalf of the Carter Center, we really apologise for not being keen with the results tallying and transmission to the National tallying centre.
Specifically, I want to unreservedly apologise to Rt Hon Raila Odinga,the Nasa candidate for severally urging him to concede defeat yet the total tally was arrived at through a flawed process.
I also want to thank him for adhering to the rule of law by seeking a legal redress of that contentious matter. You have really proved to the world that the election was a sham just as you had promised for that is what defines a democrat and statesman ship.
To the staunch supporters of Mr Odinga,thank you for showing resilience and restraint in the face of injustice. That is the trajectory that other African countries must follow.
And to Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, thank you for accepting the decision of the Supreme Court of the land. However, it is time you stop denigration and un mitigated intimidation of the judiciary. It ruled in your favor in 2013 and you hailed it’s decision. Therefore,it cannot be that today it ruled in your opponents favor and it suddenly turns to be a court of thugs.
May God Bless Kenya
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