By David Olusi
The reasons why UhuRutos’ regime must come quickly to an end are many: corruption, impunity, tribalism, hunger, thirst, unemployment, overborrowing, among others but most importantly the 2007 PEV… Blood, Blood of innocent protestors…, IDPs’ CRY and hence biblical reasons.
Watching people die of politically motivated violence, preventable diseases, and hunger is totally unacceptable before God.
This kind of violence takes three forms: First, by letting die of hunger (ugali) and preventable diseases, Uhuru violates both negative and positive duties of justice.
Second, by “tunakula nyama wameze mate,” they are systematically and deliberately killing our nationhood.
Third, by “they are not my/our people – they didn’t vote us,” they are applying the worst form of tribalism. It implies that others (not in ruling coalition/party) are excluded based on their ethical descent, hence they are none equal, they can’t get state jobs, and can even die or be killed.
I mean there is intrinsically in Jubilee regime some element of violence against life. All these elements are nothing but an official violation of human rights in regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
1 Chronicles 22:8-10 explains this: But the word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘You have shed much blood and have made great wars; you shall not build a house for My name because you have shed much blood on the earth in My sight…! Any reign that sheds blood is not worth enduring; its efforts or achievements are always marked by the bloody past and therefore not pleasing to God.
The next Kenya belongs to the very substance of nonviolence never to destroy or damage another person’s feeling of self-worth, even an opponent’s. We all need, constantly, an advance of trust and affirmation. Nonviolence advocates are individuals who actively promote the use of nonviolence in efforts to achieve social or political change.
Their advocacy generally takes the form of writing, speaking and/or organizing. Love of the enemy, or the realization of the humanity of all people, is a fundamental concept of philosophical nonviolence. The goal of this type of nonviolence is not to defeat the enemy, but to win them over and create love and understanding between all.
The explanation to David recorded in 1 Chronicles 22:8 came years afterward. It would have wounded David needlessly to have been told this at the time . . . Meanwhile, David possessed his soul in patience, and said to himself, ‘God has a reason; I cannot understand it, but it is well. For many, practicing nonviolence goes deeper than withholding from violent behavior or words. It means caring in one’s heart for everyone, even those with whom one strongly disagrees.
There are no blessings from a violent leader should expect from God. In fact, Job seeks curses from God if he did not practice righteousness, “if I have denied what the poor wanted, made a widow’s eyes tired, eaten my morsel alone, and not shared any with an orphan (for from my youth I raised the orphan as a father, and from my mother’s womb I led the window); if I ever saw someone dying without clothes, the needy naked; if they haven’t blessed me fervently, or if they weren’t warmed by the wool from my sheep; if I have lifted my hand against the orphans, when I saw that I had help in the city gate may my arm fall from my shoulder, my forearm be broken at the elbow for God’s calamity is terror to me; I couldn’t endure his splendor.” (Cf. Job 31:16-23).
If Uhuru and Ruto are just, this is their time to pray Job’s prayer without fear.
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