There were chaos in Mumias area MP hon Ben Washiali confronted governor Oparanya in a very primitive manner, Hon Washiali was in the company dozens of goons allegedily hired by ex-ODM youth leader now Jubilee apologists Mr Rashid.
Watch Embarassing scenes as captured on Mobile phone.
I don’t blame people like Rashid Mohammed, I sympathize and empathize with them. Jubilee have made it so difficult for any sane Kenyan to ply his trade. Until very recently, Rashid was earning wages courtesy of ODM. Then he figured out that if a “chicken seller and Hair dresser ” can become a billionaire in less than 10,000 hours, he decided to go look for his loot. He suddenly forgot that Duale, Ruto, and sugar barons spinning the wheels of corruption in Jubilee are importing cheap sugar into the country, killing the same company he purport to protect.
Folks, such a fellow does not deserve our condemnations but sympathy. As the Kikuyus would say “He who drains the waters of a tree intended to provide shelter for his kids is cursed.” Mr. Rashid too is cursed. Soon the tree will die and his children will have no shelter.
It’s his democratic right though, to choose his stomach over the future of his people… And it is patriotic to recognize his right. Jokanyanam, let’s not pay anything back when he returns to his “home” in kisumu.
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