By Onyinkwa Onyakundi
With more important events such as the reported arrest of Waititu’s high school geography teacher to discuss, i wasn’t going to wade into the Atwoli-Kilobi discussion until i saw sentiments by the toxic Kenyan feminists who refuse to accept the reality that men and women were created different, each with their own unique and well defined strengths roles in a marriage. There are five realities they need to accept, but i’ll dwell on just one ~ the place of money in marriage.
First, arguing that young men are players, are disrespectful and lack the decisiveness and commitment that old men possess and giving an old man taking in a 3rd wife as the example is no different from Waititu suggesting that the rivers are the problem, and not the buildings put up on their paths. It is simply an attempt to pretend away the undeniable reality of money’s ‘sabuni ya roho’ place in a marriage simply because it doesn’t sit well with the ‘women are unbwogably’ independent and don’t need men’ narrative.
Secondly, arguing that Kilobi’s love for Atwoli has nothing to do with the fact that he is an extremely wealthy guy is no different from listening to Ruto condemn corruption. One even suggested that no one should ever claim that Atwoli is wealthier than Kilobi unless they have ever seen the bank statements of both. How is that any different from suggesting that no one should ever claim that Cyprian Awiti of Homa Bay does not have a six pack tummy unless they have ever seen him shirtless?
Thirdly, is there anything really the matter with accepting that one of the main considerations that any smart woman must take into account before choosing to settle down in marriage with any man ought to be his financial stability? Before this feminist madness poisoned the minds of the misguided few who hold the misguided view that accepting the man’s natural and God prescribed role of provider and protector amounts to perpetuating gender inequality, men used to be men, and women used to be women, and we were all happy and content in places.
Fourth, why ~ pray tell me ~ did Mary Kilobi feel the need to call the press and announce to the world that Atwoli’s immense wealth played absolutely no role in her decision to dump her fiance and marry Atwoli who is decades older than him and herself? Imagine how ridiculous it would have been had Atwoli called the press, banged tables and called doubters ‘Washenzi’ to announce to the world that Mary Kilobi’s beauty had absolutely nothing to do with his decision to marry her. And while at it, he demanded to be ‘rikokonized’ as a world figure in the ‘LABOUR movement’.
And finally, beyond Atwoli’s vast wealth, the guy rolls like the ‘celebs’ that most TV girls adore. He drives a state of the art Mercedes-Benz car whose colour changes according to its surroundings much like a chameleon does, dons gold watches, rings, neck pieces and such other bling. It is therefore the height of deception to suggest that she didn’t do no ‘lifestyle audit’ on the old player and like the report before presenting it to a joint committee of her girlfriends and close relatives who agreed not to shoot it down when she later tabled it to the public.
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