GICHERU MUOK managed a staggering 60k votes against Ayako’s 80k. This figure is giving the anti Odingaism crusaders orgasm. They argue that it is an indication that the grip is loosening fast, and the kingdom tumbling
Is this true? I doubt. I am not necessarily a diehard supporter of the status quo, but I align with the reality. After the 1992 elections, there was a wave of defections, mainly from the opposition benches to KANU
Among the defectors was one Ochola Ogur, who served as Nyatike MP. In the subsequent by elections, he defended his seat on a KANU ticket but lost to a Tom Onyango of FORD Kenya
Just like Muok, with his KANU ticket, he didn’t win but put up a great show and lost by a slim margin
Was it safe to conclude that KANU was making inroads in Nyanza? Was it safe to conclude that FORD Kenya or even Odingaism was fast fading?
Why is Odingaism alive and breathing three decades later?
Did the Oduol Denge or Steve Mwanga euphoria impact on Odinga’s grip on the religions politics?
The conclusion here is that by elections cannot be used a yardstick to gauge the thinking of the voters
Voters tend to be rationale and independent during by elections, but when elections come, with candidates of their tribes seeking presidency, they factory set to their default
They leave their brains at home and vote anything/everything in an orange ticket, just like Kamotho said of a dog in a FORD Asili ticket
Remember, it isn’t obligatory that you agree with my opinion. You have yours, which you are entitled to
Odingaism will wither and then die a natural death, but not now. It is sure to be fully alive by 2022, but by 2027 it will be massively eroded and corroded
By 2032, it will be a cadaver. Take that one to the bank
Great evening my fellow hoof eaters!!
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