By Onyango Ochieng Jnr
By any basic standard of management, Waititu is running Kiambu like a mad man. His uninspiring leadership style, lunatic economic policies, violent people skills, unsustainable programs and village excitement makes one think he is using Iddi Amin Dada’s horror manual to lord over Kiambu. His primitive leadership style stinks like a rotting Chinese fish.
Curiously, Kiambu is second to Nairobi in revenue generation. This county is highly productive in virtually every facet with high circulation of money, yet sitting at the bottom of progress with every parameter in critical areas of governance not favoring it.
Kiambu today is a county where ignorance and mediocrity is exalted and in which excellence and knowledge is scorned at. A cursory glance at his recent cabinet reshuffle reveals a dangerous trend of enthroning sadism, failure, iniquity, injustice, wickedness, persecution, cover-ups, lies and abuse of power.
In view of the above, one would’ve expected Waititu to enroll for a crash program on Corporate Governance, Leadership, Strategic Planning Management or any related course that would hone his leadership skills, build his capacity and plug-fill the many obvious gaps in his critical thinking, but alas! The scumbag has embarked on a fruitless voyage of mocking, bashing, traducing, and ridiculing Rt Hon. Raila Odinga.
As he malicious goes about mud-slinging Raila, Kiambu is turning into a caveman’s paradise.
What a cheeky, self-serving and intellectually dishonest governor.
When will he ever build a legacy that posterity will smile on and be proud about?
But maybe the ONLY legacy Waititu understands is SUBARU LEGACY.
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