By James Carlos Kilai
President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, I am sorry to say this but you have lost the moral authority to lead.
This graft nonsense is too much.
So Kshs. 2,000,000,000.00 was allegedly spend in greening all schools by buying seedlings for pupils, students and teachers to plant in their respective institutions?
Before your sycophants brand me a hater who is ‘seeing’ for their God-given leader, allow me to invite you to Muthwani Primary School which borders my home.
Do not use a chopper to Muthwani Primary School, take the road
Hello no!
Drive from Nairobi through either Mombasa Road – Emali and turn left or Machakos Town – Ukia Junction and turn right.
Abundance of caution, Mister President, abundance of caution!
The physical feature linking Ukia Junction and Emali Town through Kalamba Plateau – the leading producer of the sweetest and juiciest mangoes and citrus fruits, the most beautiful ladies in East and Central Africa and the Commonwealth and host to the County Pub – is not a road.
Let me just call it the newest ‘Hells Gate’.It is a summary of mini-ditches patched up.
Whenever it rains as it is happening now, those pits fill up with water and can swallow a Toyota Vitz car together with the occupant slay queen as she powders her nose.
But I digress.
The tunnel christened a road and which runs from Ukia Junction to Emali is classified as C99 meaning it is a National Government maintained road. Please tarmack that cattle track.
Back to the afforestation programme and 2b looted
The moment you get to Muthwani Primary School and find a tree – I mean a tree planted courtesy of the government-funded greening project, I will personally eat fresh cowdug as you watch unless Lantana camara (mùsumolo or mùtavìsì) are the seedlings which the looting Jubilee government provided.
Bure kabisa!
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