By Ooh Gee Bee
Dear, Mr Sossion
Happy New Year!
You are saying the exam result were FAKE! Just thinking aloud! Why are they fake? Who invigilated the exams?(teachers!) Who supervised the exams? (Teachers, education officers…), who monitored the exams?(education officers and TSC Officers including the most seniors) Who marked the exams? (Teachers), who compiled the results? (Teachers) who counter checked and forwarded the results? (Teachers) !!!!
Dr Matiangi announced the results… Yes?… He did what he is mandated to do? Does that make the results fake? Where have you been since the results were announced? Who were you consulting with? Perhaps the cartels(again just thinking aloud!). Why did it take you so long to air your suspicions?
Dear Sossion, what have you done with the double medical scheme(hehehe!) the teachers are forced to have? Have you ever visited the so called contracted clinics the AON is using to treat your beloved teachers? Have you seen how the interns in this clinics handle your beloved teachers?( I am sure you don’t care)
Dear Sossion, why are teachers in job group L and above in the same grade for so long? (From 7 years and even more!) Why have teachers who have advanced their education still not promoted?….YES! I am asking you these because you are mandated with fighting for the teachers Rights. Sorry! I digress.
Sossion, are you doubting your beloved teachers’ integrity? If they handled the exams to the end, are you saying they did a shoddy job? Why are you casting a shadow on your beloved teachers? Don’t you trust them and yet they trust you to champion for their Rights? Or are you saying , Dr matiangi has a ‘ cartel’ that altered the results? Sossion ,dear.. Give us a break! Where were you in 2015 when it was an open secret that exams were available for anyone who was interested? Why didn’t you come out and condemn the leakages?
Mr Sossion, remember I am just thinking aloud!. Sossion wacha ku sauci waalimu kwa mfuko
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