By Emprain Njega via FB
I find it hard to understand these people who tell us to preach economic hope. This is like a cancer patient asking for a malaria diagnosis. How would that help his condition?
Some think that we post negative economic analysis because we hate the country. Between the person who warns against economic mismanagement and the one who cheers the same who among them loves his/her country?
We noticed that the economy had taken a turn for the worse in 2014. We are now in 2020 and there are people who are still unconvinced that the economy has been badly mismanaged. What kind of lack of foresight is that?
Our economic analyses have always been evidence based. If anyone has contrary evidence let them provide it to us and we will revise our thoughts accordingly. We do not create evidence; we are its creation. You can’t fight facts with hope.
There are those whose businesses or finances are yet to be affected by the economic crisis. I however doubt that there is anyone who lives in this country who has not encountered the impact of this mess either directly or indirectly.
Granted, there are government bloggers whose work is to deny reality to sustain their economic lifeline. How heartless can people be? You have relatives who are suffering but you want to deny that because of KShs 530 daily blogging fees.
The purpose of our analysis has been to urge those in charge of the economy to do the right thing. We have also sought to warn fellow citizens to take precaution and make plans to protect themselves against the consequences of economic mismanagement.
We have not stopped anyone from preaching hope on their social media platforms. We will never sell false hope for a living.
I find it hard to understand these people who tell us to preach economic hope. This is like a cancer patient asking for a malaria…
— Ephraim Njega (@EphraimNjega) January 8, 2020
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