Today at 4:30 am five unmarked (no number plates) Subaru and one Ford double cabin vehicles arrived at Pangani police station under heavy GSU security to transport 6 legislators held at the police.
The MPs were transported under heavy security and are currently ar Milimani law courts
There is a rumour that top Statehouse operatives were at cross roads with one side suggesting the cases be transferred to 3 different courts while the other was that cases be heard in a single court where they have a room navigate the waters (influence the ruling)
Meanwhile Robert Alai notes:>>>
The media is doing PR Jubilee by lumping all suspects together. What constitutes hate speech? How do you lump people together and call all of them hate-mongers? Someone who asked the President to arrest Moses Kuria for calling for mass murder of communities is lumped a hate monger just to make Jubilee look serious.
Muthama was not even in the press conference he is said to have been in and uttered the words. Kenyan media is the worst hate-monger.
When you are arrested by police, you are supposed to be read your rights, given access to your family and lawyer and lawful treated. Media not addressing these particular issues. Everyone called hate monger and told to bear the brunt for his/actions. Are we questioning the actions. What wrong did each individual MP commit? If these wrongs can be done to an MP, what of an ordinary Kenyan?
When people will see Jubilee leaders commit a criminal offence and know that they will be arrested when they speak, these people have financial and logistical capabilities to destabilize the state. We must insist on treating all as per the constitution. And everyone has his or her own charge sheet. Let’s analyze the respective charge-sheets and analyze each case on its own. Tomorrow a journalist will commit rape and all journalists will be rapists.
Haki iwe ngao letu!!!!
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