By Jerome ogolla via FB
So there was a tremor a few minutes to five this morning
We Hoof-Eaters, are only reading about it, but we never noticed the house shaking because our shanties are ever shaking, to respond to the wind, or each time a night runner pounds the ground with heavy steps as he engages in his nocturnal marathon
We only came to learn of it through the social media. Even when it rains heavily at night, we remain very innocently unaware that it had rained until when we get out to rain our own liquid urea, that when we unknowingly wade in a paddle of water gathered at the door step. This is because of our grass thatched roofs, remain very silent even when it rains
(By the way, do you remember I taught you that rain must be accompanied by a fair share of thunder and a man who cannot rumble, while doing the routine morning rain cannot sire a boy child)
Hoof-eatership has insulated us from the realities of life. Nonetheless, nowadays there are very few grass thatched houses because there is no grass to that can thatch anything. There isn’t any, even for the cows to eat
That’s why even the mud-walled cow dung plastered houses are missing because there no pastures forcing cows to become omnivorous and eat anything available, just to remain alive. When they eat everything, their dung becomes much like that if a human being which cannot be used to plaster anything
Anyway, we are waiting for the US geological department to give us more information about the seismic movement, it’s epicenter, and the magnitude in Richter
I say so because sometimes back an earthquake happened epicentered under Lake Tanganyika, but the Kenyan and Tanzanian seismologists and their equipment, never detected anything but those of the US, over 10k kilometres away, detected that quake and informed us about it
In other non related news, it is time for the abattoir. Good morning my fellow Hoof-Eaters
Anon says