By Koigi Wamere
Leadership is the most important determinant of the quality of our lives and the future of our country.
As we head for elections next year, we must ignore electing good leaders at our own peril.
The price of the bad leaders that we may elect will be the total sum of all the problems that bedevil us – poverty, corruption, negative ethnicity & unemployment.
– We must stop believing that, irrespective of how wealth is made, being rich is a sign of good leadership.
– We must stop electing dimwits to lead us based on tribal background and rejecting excellent leaders from other communities.
Having leaders with a vision of developing the country while listening to the people’s ideas is essential.
Victims of ethnic wars should elect leaders who will unify the country rather than divide it.
Good leaders must be fair distributors of resources while being one with the people, thus enabling them to experience the difficulties that the people are to be saved from.
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