The story of that twilight old school accusing Malala of failing to pay for her flesh-peddling services sound fake on arrival. It smacks political malice! Senator Malala has standards.
This is the evil machinations of Bonny Khalwale and Rashid Achesa to bring down Malala ahead of 2022 gubernatorial race. However, I wish they went for some classy lady than a village haggard-looking female buffoon who can only catch the eyes of local ninjas.
A senator/MP or such high ranking Kenyan is often chased allover with a swarm of slay queens freely throwing themselves, I doubt whether even in his moment of temporary madness , Malala would bend backwards to settle for sex from such a guttersnipe.
Politics is truly a dirty game. But in future, I implore Khalwale and his factotum Achesa to hire a script supervisor to direct their horror movies. This was a poorly scripted horribly horrifying movie. Did she say 10K per pour!!!! Omagad….
This was the most fertile stretch of imagination. That one will not even fetch 200 by village/kakamega standards. I pray one day my haters will not plant such primitive female crooks on me….
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