In yet another multi-billion scandal, a British-bom lawyer, Guy Spencer Elms of Tiles and Carpets Centre has featured spectacularly. Spencer is a man not new to controversy and Mondays’ announcement by the Directorate of criminal investigations, listing him among a group of people in its summon-list is just another ‘small case’ that he will deal with and walk away, without a scratch.
It still remains a mystery how Guy Spencer has managed to beat Kenya’s Criminal Justice system in every scandal he has been mentioned in; from being a key architect of the Anglo Leasing scandals, a scandal that robbed Kenya off billions and hasn’t been conclusively settled to date, with those in the know alluding to a powerful and internationally connected lawyer who kept himself and fellow architects out of jail, land grabbing in upmarket Nairobi, Ivory and Gold trade to the now controversial multi-billion tenders for the construction of dams.
Unknown to Kenyans, Guy Spencer’s flower farm in Kitengela was a decade ago banned from exporting flowers to Europe and Asia after it emerged that he used the flower export business to smuggle ivory and blood gold from Congo to parts of Asia and Scandinavian countries, minting billions of shillings.
In an announcement through its social media handles, the Directorate of Criminal investigations gave out a notice summoning several people to assist in investigations’ into what could well be another scandal and surprisingly enough, the good British born lawyer features yet again.
In 2017 and 2018, Guy Spenser was adversely mentioned as being the face of underworld poaching in Kenya but that was just as far as the case would go, with no successful prosecution, once again thanks to his immense influence in beating Kenya’s Criminal-justice system hands down.
However, from the look of things, Guy Spenser’s tricks could be headed to a dead end. With the exit of controversial former CID Boss Ndegwa Muhoro and transfer of several Judges whom many believe protected him, the billionaire lawyer could be finally cornered.
In a case where he is accused of forging the will of his dead client, Mr. Elms through Daily Mail UK, accused Kenya’s justice system of ‘victimizing him in the said case and almost drew sympathy to his side, until keen Kenyans started poking holes into his narrative. The Star Media, which had also fallen for his story and published it, immediately pulled down the publication and apologized.
In the online threads on the DCI summons, details also emerge how this present case is already a ‘dead case thanks to the crafty lawyer Elms and his godfathers in high places Kenyans wonder, for how long will the country continue to put up with people who somehow always find their way around and emerge winners, and worse still continue with their monkey-businesses?
In a Facebook post, a former employee of Elm’s describes him, “I have worked for this guy before. He is a dangerous fellow; he plays weak for sympathy for he took all the foreign and local shares of the deceased that brought conflicts with Robson family despite a court order.
He also attempted to register a sister company of Plover Haunts, do a search of Plover Haunts 2015 and you will see. This same mzungu was involved with Anglo Leasing which will never be resolved since all files went missing and he denied police access to computer and all records in our office after tampering with all electronic files together with hackers.
I fear for anyone involved with this dangerous man in a court case. He can kill anyone and run away to Britain plus he is very protected by senior police bosses and the judiciary.”
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