My name is Anna.
I am 34 years old. I have a good job, good salary, drive a nice car and I’m soon completing the construction of my house in Nairobi.
Everything appears to be on a great trajectory. However, I feel age is catching up with me, and I need to settle down soon.
Close to four months ago, I met this promising man in his late 30s. He is ambitious, intelligent and is handsome. He might not be earning as high as me currently, but I’m sure that his potential is great.
He recently asked me if there’s a past that I regret, and whether that past would impact our future (me and him). I felt like he’d peeped into my past, because it’s true I have a past that I wish I’d erase.
In my early to mid-twenties, I had three abortions. The last damaged my womb. The doctors, as a result, told me it would be impossible for me to get pregnant, and recommended that I undergo counselling, which I did.
Today, I feel terrible about my past, and I don’t know whether to tell him about it, or not. I fear he might lose interest in me if I speak up. Honestly, I want him in my life. I need a husband. What should I do?
Wafula says
Kindly just maintain a secret, and seek for traditional herbilist to give you medicine to clean up your reproductive