MOSES KURIA, despite being as noisy as a horny hornbil, is communicating something very important
By issuing a raft of demands that must be guaranteed by any of the contenders seeking presidency, he is in a way stating that the mountain will not be seeking presidency, not in this election
Of the 70 plus political parties in Kenya, more than half has their roots from the mountain. Even in the prevailing confusion, should they choose to back one of the candidates, that candidate will begin as one of the most formidable in the race
By focusing her energies on the deputy presidency, it seems the mountain has ceded the top seat for the others, maybe in line with Uhuru’s call at Mululu, that it is time for the others, the community having been in power for 35 years of the country’s independence
That’s a great spirit of brotherhood. The valley ought to emulate this and recall all her sons seeking presidency, to forego their dreams and afford others an opportunity, having been in power for a cumulative 24 years
On the other hand, BBI which seems to have a platform that captures some of the demands that Kuria is parading. That he opposed it and celebrated it’s fall, reeks of hypocrisy. He was only opposing it to appease his other benefactors
By the way, when Uhuru spent a night at Mululu, warming himself on the night fire called magenga in dholuo, all the ANC mujahideen went into a frenzy of orgasm
They thought the son of Jomo had settled on the son of Budamba as his favourite and he would rally the segment of the mountain vote loyal to him and the state machinery to support his bid, but Keyan politics is very fluid and that child seemed to have died stillbirth with Uhuru hosting Mudavadi in many invitations to cajole him support the son of Jaramogi
Good morning my fellow Hoof-Eaters!!
By Jerome Ogola
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