Karimi Naomi of Pangani Girls High School student is the top student in the 2017 KCSE exams with a mean score of 87.01.
she was closely followed by Sharon Chepchumba of Moi Girls Eldoret who got 86.83.
Below is the list of top 10 students;
1. Karimi Naomi Kawira, Pangani Girls’ High School – 87.011
2. Sharon Chepchumba, Moi Girls’ Eldoret – 86.830
3. Kamau Brian Maina, Alliance High School – 86.757
4. Odero Donatta, Lenana School – 86.561
5. Harriet Mueke, Mary Hill Girls’ – 85.956
6. Brian Ongiri, Kanga High School
7. Muraya Mongina, Pangani Girls’ High School
8. Mwatate Emily, Pangani Girls’ High School
9. Wahome Wanjiku, Moi Girls’ Eldoret
10. Omondi, Maranda Boys’ School
Only 70,073 candidates ttained university entry mean grade of C+, with 142 candidates getting As. Last year, 88,929 attained university entry grades, while 141 got As.
Matiang’i said there has been a decline in candidates who got A-. Only 2,714 candidates got A-, compared to 4,645 A- in 2016. But he noted that female candidates have performed better.
This year, 615,773 candidates sat KCSE exam in 9,350 centres, a five per cent increase from last year’s 577,253 candidates.
Of this year’s candidates, 1,404 were special needs students.
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