By Wuodgot Jagot
KERICHO ACCIDENT CALLS FOR STIFFER PENALTIES FOR TRAFFIC OFFENDERS. I would recommend that (1) All the directors of Home Boyz busses and all traffic police officers who were on duty on the route the bus traveled on before the accident be charged with 43 (depending on the death toll) counts of murder contrary to section 203 of the Penal Code and an alternative charge for being accessory to the fact of murder. (2) All movable, immovable and liquid (money in the banks and mpesa) assets of the directors of the ill fated bus and those of the traffic police officers who were on duty along the route be attached and sold and proceeds be used in paying mortuary and hospitals bills. (3) The ministry of interior should lease with all countries within East Africa community to form a National Bureau of Drivers having the data of all drivers who have committed traffic offenses resulting to deaths be permanently barred from driving, getting employment and getting loans or credit facilities from the banks or any financial institutions.. If a driver who had previously committed a traffic offense resulting into deaths is found driving, he should be charged a fresh retroactively and is immaterial whether he or she had served the terms. Police officers a betting such drivers should be removed from the service according to section 20 paragraph 30 (b) of the National Police Service Commission act of 2012. Any employer who wants to employ a driver must demand that the driver has clearance certificate from the National Bureau of Drivers . (4) PSV drivers should be aged between 40 and 60 years. (5) Traffic police officers should be on a one week rotational basis just like any other officer performing general duties. If such laws can be enacted,, then ONLY 75% of the majority in a referendum can repeal or amend it not a simple majority in the Parliament or a presidential road side decree. My condolences to relatives and friends of those who perished in the accident.
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