Ogotega ching’uko~mole trapping. There were only two men in my village who had mastered the art and science of mole trapping. They are both deceased.
One was a distant relative. He tried to train me but I quit the studies after he nearly slapped me when I didn’t follow the instructions. He was the most trusted. The other one was doubted.
If he set a trap on your farm, you had to literally monitor it because it was rumoured that he came at night and put a mole in the trap. It was said that he used to walk with a mole in his pocket. When you pay him(they were paid per mole caught), he will trick you that he eats the moles and carry it to trick the next customer. That doesn’t mean he never really caught moles but his trick used to see his traps being 101% successful.
If you hired the other honest expert, the success rate was about 50%. The post appropriate place where the traps were set was in sweet potato plantations. Moles and sweet potato relationship can only be compared with the relationship of politicians and thievery.
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