ODM will have to up the ante on voter mobilization and invest heavily on election day personnel. The jostling and almost vigilante-like approach that was witnessed yesterday is a clear pointer to the fact that Jubilee is determined to make plays on all CORD strongholds. Jubilee sent outsiders to Malindi with clear instructions to do whatever it took to alter the outcome of the polls.
CORD will need to replicate the determination witnessed in Malindi across the entire country. And this time, paid personnel must be deployed to protect the votes.
IEBC is still a puppet of the state. How votes from an entire county were briskly counted and results disseminated in record time while the verdict from one constituency agonizingly delayed is beyond comprehension. It can only be assumed that the IEBC officials were taking orders from some very powerful folks. If this is how they intend to conduct the 2017 general elections, then Lord help us.
To hell with economic hardship and utumishi kwa wote! Cases of voter bribery and blatant, downright selective law enforcement is an indicator of how the general elections will be conducted. Law enforcement is now selective law enforcement.
The government will flood the country with serious currency that will put YK 92 to shame. CORD must raise a tonne of money in order to compete.
Governor Joho is a force to reckon with and if anyone had doubts about his ability to deliver, well, you got your answer.
Equally, WSR also proved that he is still incharge of RV. KANU will need more than the ‘kidole juu’ slogan in order to make some meaningful noise.
Governor Isaac Rutto has his work cut out for him. Even though many will argue that just like Malindi was an ODM zone, Kericho too was a JAP sphere as such, the results were predictable. Governor Rutto spent a tremendous amount of Political capital in the polls and came up short. Its not only a crushing defeat, but a major debit in his political ledger. Here is a guarantee: WSR will rub this in to infinity! Add that to the rightfully earned bragging rights and you end up with a picture of a man who will be literally walking on water.
In the end, our politics is as high wire as they can be. Elections bring out the best and the worst in us. On to the big dance in 2017.
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