Security agencies have embarked on a new phase to intensify the crackdown on those who played a role in the January 30 mock “swearing-in” of Raila Odinga as the “People’s President”, multiple confidential sources familiar with the high-level strategy told the Nation.
Revelations of the plan that includes using special elite teams could involve getting search warrants to not only raid the homes of the opposition leaders but also cynically using as much force as possible to cause maximum damage.
A team of at least 20 police officers drawn from the Flying Squad and the Special Crimes Unit is behind the crackdown on Nasa leaders. Elements of the Anti-Terrorism Police Unit are also said to be involved.
The elite Flying Squad unit is currently being reconstituted but Mr Said Kiprotich is leading the operations. Politician Miguna Miguna named Mr Kiprotich and a Chief Inspector Njoroge as among those who were behind his arrest. The officers, who come in at least six Subaru vehicles, have the leeway to take those arrested to
far-flung police stations.
“We have mapped out the Nairobi homes of the key people we are targeting for arrest. We have also been studying their house plans to guide us when there is a raid. The idea is that these people should not live in comfort while causing trouble,” said the security official, who spoke in confidence.
Read more of this story on Sunday Nation
Those targeted include:
Hon Babu Owino
Hon Simba Arati
Hon George Aladwa
David Ndii
Oduor Ongwen
Koitamet Ole Kina
Norman Magaya
Cleophas Malala
Gladys Wanga
Jimi Wanjigi
Not targeted but being monitored include
H.E Governor Joho
Hon Junet Mohammed
Hon John Mbadi
Hon Millie Mabona
Hon Peter Kaluma
More to follow
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