There is too much morning sex in Migori county, residents have confirmed that a lot of young energetic mainly under 25 persons are taking advantage of popular morning jogs to engage in drug fuelled sex orgies. Since government announced curfew and urged people to stay home , residents of Rongo, Awendo and Migori towns started jogging in the morning to keep fit and avoid boredome.
George Ochieng, a parent and a resident of Ombo, complained that “only 20 per cent of morning joggers are interested in keeping fit.
“The rest are in for sex and bhang smoking. They have turned into vagabonds,” he said.
Basil Okoth told a local newspaper, “It had been safer to engage in morning runs after government orders to control social distancing and the closure of gyms took us on the roads.”
“The truth is that at dawn, teenagers now engage in sex, abuse of drugs and taking selfies instead of jogging. It is alarming. Some do it openly in the streetlight. This is scary,” Norma said.
Henry Ooko, also a jogger, said, “I was chased by the group, most schoolchildren who were armed with crude weapons and were smoking bhang, a group of boda boda riders came to our aid.”
Several students, most from high school, were rounded up.
Migori Town Boda Boda Association chairman Elvis Omondi said they have been treated to orgies in the morning in Migori town, especially around the unfinished Ombo market and near an uncompleted stadium.
“We want parents and those jogging in the morning to control their orgies, what we see in the name of exercise and being fit in the name of fighting the coronavirus is not morally right,” Omondi said.
Recalling the Thursday incident, he said a commotion started at 4 am as youths fought over girls and the best spots for the “morning glory”.
“We recovered several stolen items like phone and radios.”
Omondi warned that they will have no option but to stop all jogs in Migori town at dawn until police patrols are done on the streets.
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