28 September 2018
Aden Duale is an embarrassment to leadership in Kenya
1. We are deeply embarrassed by irresponsible and actionable utterances that have recently been published by the Leader of the Majority in the National Assembly, Hon. Aden Duale, at a public gathering, regarding the ANC Party Leader, Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, EGH. While addressing the gathering that was also attended by Deputy President, William Ruto, Hon. Duale made appalling remarks – as carried in a section of the media – maliciously linking Hon. Mudavadi to the Goldenberg heist of the early 1990s. Mr. Duale stated categorically that Hon. Mudavadi had “stolen money from Kenyans” and he was “the biggest thief” in the history of Kenya’s National Treasury.
2. Beyond their defamatory nature, these are very unfortunate remarks, coming as they do from a holder of a very senior public office. Mr. Duale’s position casts him in the role of someone who is expected to be a role model to many. Both the people who are already in lesser leadership roles and those who aspire to lead in the future look upon people like Mr. Duale to set good examples that they can emulate. It is, therefore, regrettable to see Mr. Duale uttering words that he obviously knows to be untrue and, in the processes, damage another leader’s character.
3. Mr. Duale’s outburst was sparked by Hon. Mudavadi’s criticism of the performance of the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the National Treasury, Mr. Henry Rotich. Under Mr. Rotich’s watch, the national economy has stumbled from one blunder to another. Everybody knows this. The sum total of these blunders has left the country with a staggering national debt of Sh 5.1 trillion. This is unprecedented. It is likely that by the time this government leaves office in 2022, the national debt will be anywhere close to – or even beyond – Sh 10 trillion, with those in charge having no clue of how to heal the debt.
4. The Jubilee Government is selling Kenyans into slavery. This government has signed off international covenants that have placed national assets at risk, in the event that we are unable to meet our debt obligations. We cannot keep quiet when our country is being mortgaged to foreigners. Nor can we keep quiet when the borrowed money is not properly accounted for. We refuse to be silenced. Our country and its future are bigger than any political formation and the cronyism that informs it. As a party, therefore, we stand firmly with Hon. Mudavadi and with his informed sentiments on the ailing national economy and the limping leaders behind it.
5. We are scandalized that only last week, Hon. Duale led a detachment of Jubilee legislators out of the chamber of the National Assembly at a time when a critical decision was about to be made on the Finance Bill. Equally scandalous is that Hon. Duale took pride in this infamy and openly bragged about it before TV cameras. We must cry for Kenya.
6. For avoidance of doubt, let us be very emphatic that the country’s leadership has fallen to the lowest ebb of its fortunes, with people like Mr. Duale occupying critical offices that they abuse with abandon. We look forward to the day when ANC will close ranks with other progressive Kenyans and restore the dignity of leadership at all levels of government and in institutions across the country.
7. Meanwhile, history already knows that the Goldenberg heist took place under the charge of the late Prof. George Saitoti. This is very well documented in the Samuel Bosire Commission Report, following an enquiry that was undertaken in 2003. The report states very clearly that it was Hon. Mudavadi who clamped down on this matter. Indeed the Bosire Commission Report lauds Hon. Mudavadi for this role. Hon. Duale knows only too well about this and he ought to be embarrassed that as senior national leader he descends to the lowly levels of peddling lies.
8. It is also common knowledge that while his political detractors attempted to link Hon. Mudavadi to the infamous Nairobi City cemetery saga in recent years, investigations into the matter absolved him without any qualification whatsoever. Those responsible were brought to justice. If, Mr. Duale – or any other person in government – knows any reason why Hon. Mudavadi should continue to be infamously linked to the so-called “graveyard affair” they should take the necessary legal action against him. Let them take him to court instead of shouting in the air.
9. It is a lame duck government whose senior officials accuse people of committing crime, when they should be arresting them and taking them to court and jail, instead. But, of course, Hon. Duale and those he serves know that they have no case against Hon. Mudavadi. They, therefore, thrive on peddling unfounded malice against him, for political expediency. This will not deter Hon. Mudavadi or ANC from standing for the truth.
10. Finally, Hon. Mudavadi reserves the right to take legal ac
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