1. The government illegally abducted, detained and deported Miguna against his will and in violation of court orders.
2. The court also ordered immigration department to return MM’ passport which had since been defaced.
3. The court also ordered MM safe reentry into Kenya asking the government to facilitate the same.
4. You can not travel without a valid passport unless on a special case like MM’s case. That is the international IATA rule.
5. All that MM should have done, according to me, was to notify Kenya’s embassy in Canada, or anywhere, to either process him a temporary papers for flight, purposes, to grant him safe entry into Kenya upon which he would either be granted his new passport according to Court orders. Such papers should have no other condition.
6. Upon landing and at JKIA, the immigration would have received these documents and either provided MM with his passport or granted him free entry.
7. Now on one hand MM is right to enter Kenya, and has a citizenship by virtue of birth. On the other hand immigration must document that MM has entered Kenya without a passport whereas MM’s point of origin indicates he had a passport, a total violation of international Law.
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