I don’t drag politics to my wall I have better things to do like talk about Jesus, business and mentorship but looking at this picture I started calculating some costs.
If one prado and the branding costs 6m * 47 counties we get the following amount Kshs. 282,000,000. Now if the people who appended signatures on cheques to push the amount to the car dealers would consider to take the same amount of money for one prado and help build a proper bridge here or atleast take the money for 47 other prados and put it in one or two referral hospitals, buy sanitary towels to those girls who do not have, or perhaps build a class room in the poorest counties wont we see some form of development? Again these are my individual thoughts.
Like John the Baptist in the wilderness am asking what exactly are we doing to the future of Kenya if elections and campaigns is more expensive than taking that girl or boy to school, paying their teachers, ensuring the doctors and nurses are paid well, train the farmers on crop production, build roads that last not carpeting a road that was not constructed well to begin with.
Well politics and politicians never see anything wrong because its the tyranny of numbers. Fanatics and opposers always kill each other with words to justify actions of their key players. After elections and a new regime the cycle continues.
20 years from now I have a dream that our generations will have leaders who think about development, growth, increase, narrowing the gap of the poor and rich and widening the middle class in Kenya. #prayingforKenya #Jesushelpus #Shirleythoughts.
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