The Nyanza Literary Festival which is set to happen on the last weekend of August seeks your submissions.
The Nyanza Literary Festival aims to elevate engagement in the arts in Nyanza Province, Kenya, through an annual literary contest and workshops. The information on the festival is still sketchy as the team working on it is still hard at work on it. We do know that there will be international guests coming into the country. The one thing that we are sure about is that the last weekend of August will see a series of events in the county by the lake making it the centre of Kenya’s literary output.
This new festival is the brainchild of Jakki Kerubo an artist-in-Residence at the Center for Faith and Work in New York City. Jakki has an MFA in Creative Writing from New York University, where she taught writing for a year. Her work has been published in the Golden Handcuffs Review.
On the night of Saturday August 27th, the winners of the first contest of the festival will be announced with pomp and glamour. If you want to take part in this competition then this your chance with submissions that close on June 30, 2016. The theme of this year’s contest is “The Metamorphosis.”
Over the last couple of decades, our country has transformed in many ways, but it has also descended into some wild chaos. We’ll be accepting works of fiction that cover the absurd in our society (there’s no Geographical limitation to the subject matter) and the ways in which our systems of justice and order are broken.
Contest winners in the categories of Fiction, Screenplays/Plays, and Poetry will win $1,000 each, plus mentorship with a published author/film or stage producer. You are asked to send your submissions to For more information about the entry requirements please click here. Good luck!
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