In American political consulting lore, there is a concept often referred to as bracketing, which in campaigns, involves and not limited to holding parallel rallies, press conferences, town hall meetings in the same area or at the same time as your political opponent.
Bracketing is deployed to neutralize, or prebut an opponent’s message. And it normally works like a charm. This is why the chatter about ODM’s Mombasa Rally being ‘misguided ‘ is political gobbledygook. ODM is simply using a roadtested political strategy to counter Jubilee’s eurobond-funded and taxpayer-crippling political blather.
The Kenyan taxpayer will be presented with two clear choices. One function will be convened by a bunch of political misleaders packaged and paraded as ‘new’ and promising to bring about change, while in Tononoka, Kenyans will have chance to hear from real leaders with real records to smile about.
The Joho-led function will be rich in real leadership while the Nairobi parley ( it’s a parley because of the prevalent political fisticuffs and rampant murmurs of defection) will be a political coupe de tat because of the imminent fallout owing to the belligerent nature of its misleaders.
The misleaders will unveil a political baby conceived through a gigantic petri dish called Eurobond. As taxpayers, the cost of conceiving this baby will be passed on to our kids and grand-kids simply because Jubilee’s most important goal is to win the elections at whatever cost. The taxpayers will have a choice of watching a political extravaganza funded on a credit card that their kids and grand-kids will have to pay for, or watch real leaders celebrate the tenth anniversary of Kenya’s largest, most diverse and ideologically stellar political party.
The ‘geniuses’ at Jubilee picked an arm-wrestling symbol as the logo for the conglomeration of briefcase parties that they now call JAP. It’s only fitting that a party that specializes in armtwisting wanainchi, by way of overtaxation, frogmarching and gagging the media and eliminating dissenting voices would choose such a symbol as the official logo. How poignant!
On the contrary, down by the pond, at the Tononoka grounds, Kenyans will be treated to a buffett of the who-is-who in pro-reform and clamour for Democratic freedom. The host himself, is a champion Governor whose record matches his numerical designation. Big announcements abound. Talk about contrasts!
In the end, it all comes down to the political realities of our times. The misleaders of this nation have been at war with our pockets and going by the amount of money that they have stolen and continue stealing, there is no telling how far they can go. In less than two days, they will show the taxpayers the middle finger on live television by dancing and popping champagne bottles as they unveil the spoils of what you, your kids and grand-kids will have to pay for years to come.
Conversely, no eurobond proceeds landed in the pockets of CORD leaders. The Mombasa function, just like any other CORD affair will be funded by well-wishers. That is what real leaders do. #PamojanaJoho
By Jackson Omondi
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