By Evans Hakim
Jacob Juma enriched his life and those of others by being more mindful of what he said and did, and most important by maintaining a sensitive awareness that his time on earth was indeed limited.
Jacob Juma was guided by a strong belief that repressing the thought of death makes living less vital and that coming to terms with his dying enabled him to live more fully and exuberantly. He has taught some of us the extraordinary lesson of the cultivation of life’s preciousness through an awareness of death.
In order to embrace our spiritual journey and become more spiritually aware, we must embrace our dying like Jacob Juma. Yes Jacob Juma has gone to heaven to be with God but this courageous Kenyan embraced the fact that he lived in a temporal world and body and cultivated sacred self-awareness.
As Jacob Juma came up against edges of threats, fear and sometimes denial about the “little I” that is born, grows old and dies in time he must have also came to recognize another “I am” that is eternal. Frank and fearless in the quest for democracy, freedom, justice, liberty and corruption-free Kenya until his death. That is Jacob Juma. Fare thee well Jacob Juma. Quran 59:17 and Romans 12:19
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