The Ugandan man who has striking resemblence to former President Mwai Kibaki is alleged to be packing his bags to visit Othaya. He was born in around 1959 when his mother was at Makerere University. The man is King Kabaka Mutebi of Buganda. He was born in 1959. That also happens to be the year Mwai Kibaki graduated from Makerere University, after living and studying in Kampala for several years.
Nobody is concluding anything but the correct answer is in the DNA.
The dude seem to have a perfect timing; Mzee Kibaki is retired and suffering from old age related ailments like Athrities, memory lapse. Too bad mama Lucy is resting in peace, would have a been a hell of interesting drama had this King showed up say in 2006…
Well, at least he is a Buganda King, not looking for a share of the Kibaki heritage/fortune..
Well; This is Kabaka Mutebi of Buganda. He was born in 1955. That also happens to be the year Mwai Kibaki graduated from Makerere University, after living and studying in Kampala for several years.
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