There is so much to celebrate classmate. As a generation of politicals at the university and outside, you are top of our year politically: a Deputy President. Congrats.
We followed different ideological paths. In our youth, my team led by me ruled the polls albeit withstanding and surviving state bruises. You were cool being a civil servant. Several of my comrades have died on that path. You followed the dictates of the system. You have enjoyed life, wealth and government jobs. On the other hand, some of my kind have served prison terms, exile, education terminated etc.
I have been relegated to the village as a direct result of the victories of your team. You have to be proud buddy. You and your colleagues eg Governor Lusaka etc, never addressed a single rally in the university. Miguna Miguna and I did but check where we are. Miguna is in exile and I am in the village. Be happy bro. If the goal was to capture power, you did it big time. As your contemporaries and rivals we are far down.
Please take pride in that even as you undergo selective prosecution. I know you have learned a lot and would make a much better leader than you were given a second chance.
You are obviously not great but your opponent deserves worse than what you are being subjected to. In a court of law, you would serve a jail term like most of your colleagues in power but Ruto and Kindiki will get death sentences having presided over murder. It’s this double stands that tilts my heart to your side. Yours are mainly political mistakes and standard “Kenyan” economic crimes most of them legalised while Ruto’s are real grave crimes.
I like your survival strategies though. Connecting with your stronghold (you call it ground) in times of political crisis is as old as history in fact it’s a universal instinct of self preservation. Kenyatta did it, Patrice Lumumba of DRC was arrested on a retreat to his Mt Kenya. No apologies bro.
Your bravery to put our justice system on trial as a representative of the bourgeoisie puts the entire class on trial. The masses now know better why the fight for power in Kenya is always that abrasive and bare knuckled.
Whatever you plan to do, don’t lose sight of the fact that your colleagues have you by your balls. It’s a life or death situation. At the right time, make the right decisions.
By the way, do you still have my wallet? The one I gave you at Simmers restaurant after my time in exile. It had no money so you asked me to leave it to you since you had cash and I didn’t have any.
Enjoy the limelight man, in bourgeoisie politics, you are better of talked about negatively than ignored. After your current trials, you have an audience for life.
Good day.
~~Wafula Buke
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