By Anwar Sadat
There were days Dennis Itumbi decided who would be arrested for hated speech……Those days he spoke through his nose during those Press Pass things.
I remember a senior officer once told me that Itumbi had told them it’s fake news when I called them about our people being attacked during electioneering period.
Deno told us Msando was enjoying “Yellow Yellow” when they knew his body was lying somewhere in a Kiambu thicket.
He arrested Alai so much until Alai switched over to Jubilee to avoid being arrested.
Then Cambridge Analytica fell, Maribe went, and now he has no office.
Even those who used to share his updates are gone! This world is not my home!
Online fame is short lived and if ever you have the opportunity to influence the Presidency as Deno did, use it for good.
When they close those twitter accounts and Facebook accounts, the things you did shall live on.
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