President Uhuru Kenyatta is Trying to Buy the 2017 Elections Using Our Money!
By Dorcas S
The expression “make it rain” has evolved to become lingua franca for spending lots of money, not necessarily on strippers, but on everything and anything including drinks at the club, sumptuous dinners with a large group of friends and leeches, shopping and as used in this article, vote-buying gambits masquerading as “development projects” and “payments to IDPs” – these latter two by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
With the elections less than forty days away, the president is “making it rain” all over the country – with OUR money!
The man is going from one battleground region to another trying to buy votes using our tax shillings!
Consider the following presidential junkets of the last thirty or so days:
Kisii – KSh. 358mn (IDPs)
Nyamira – KSh. 472mn (IDPs)
Bungoma – KSh. 900mn (Pan Paper Mills)
Kisumu – KSh. 15bn (EABL)
And these are just the high-ticket examples of vote-buying by this administration. It is as crass and callous a campaign strategy as it gets.
In using the “bully pulpit” of the presidency including access to the national treasury to entice and lure voters to cast their lot in his favor, Mr. Kenyatta is abusing our collective intelligence and worse: Telling the voters in these respective regions that their votes are for sale – using their own monies no less or in the case of Pan Paper Mills (Webuye) and East African Breweries (Kisumu), riding on the coattails of private investors!
Is this the same man who has been in office since 2013?
One who has had time to initiate any number of “development projects” or “compensate the long-suffering internally-displaced persons” (IDPs) in areas other than his Mt. Kenya/Central and Rift Valley bases finally realizing that the people of Kisumu, Kisii, Nyamira and Bungoma are Kenyans too – deserving of national projects and of compensation for the pain suffered during the PEV-2007/8 – one month before his re-election?
Sorry folks but that is pretty sh#$@y!
Even more aggravating is how his sycophants describe the pandering.
Words such “gracious”, “kind”, “man of the people”, “real deal”, “God-fearing” and a litany of similarly smarmy suck-ups pervade the social media pages of the president’s spinmeisters without any shame.
There is absolutely nothing gracious, kind or God-fearing about the blatant pandering this president is indulging in during these last days of the election cycle. What makes it worse is that the president’s toadies actually buy into his obvious play for votes in those areas.
The reality is that this flurry of activities by President Kenyatta and Jubilee, when lined up next to their other vote-getting ploys such as circling the wagons by accusing the opposition of “incitement” or turning Madaraka Day – a national day of unity – into an ethnocentric diss of the invited head of the opposition is proof-positive Mr. Kenyatta’s re-election efforts are on shaky grounds.
Kenyans should reject this shameless use of their tax shillings by President Uhuru Kenyatta to buy their votes – Period!!
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