Meet Beverly Mumbi Njoroge who was caught shoplifting at Cleanshelf Supermarket in Rongai. Beverly is alleged to have served as Jubilee campaign youth coordinator in the 2017 general election, she is from Kabete. And it is not like she was trying to clean the shelves of all goods at Cleanshelf. She was just stealing items worth about 1K.
Now, here is where it gets interesting. Mumbi is from the ‘House of Mumbi’, her surname ‘Njoroge’ is on the new currency notes courtesy of her kinsman Patrick Njoroge’s signature, she hails from Kiambu the home of the Kenyatta whose statue is on those notes, and the Kenyatta that is the current President, she voted for this Kenyatta who has ruined the economy to the point of forcing her to engage in this vice, and was probably one of those who blocked roads and danced for hours on end to celebrate the stolen election victory of the said ‘God annointed Muthamaki’ to Ben Githae’s ‘Uhuruto tano tena’ song, and chanted herself hoarse with “Ni maobi, si ushawi’!
These are my two points. 1. Choices have consequences, and if you don’t vote wisely, you’ll eat your tomatoes in pain. And; 2. ‘P. O. Box Bodo’ and ‘Raira wiro nefa be Plisident’ are neither political ideologies, nor manifestos! End of lesson.
It's so embarrassing and shamefully indeed… Beverly Mumbi Njoroge from Kabete caught shoplifting goods worth Ksh1,000 from Cleanshelf Supermarket, Rongai.
— Hon. Enoch Cheruiyot. (@enochcheruiyot1) June 13, 2019
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