A Nairobi couple who were set to be married were forced to call off their engagement, and plans for a wedding after they realized they were brother and sister.
The lovebirds, according to Kameme TV had gone to visit the man’s parents to announce their plans of settling down together.
It was during the visit that they were told that bridegroom’s father had sired a daughter in his first marriage.
The daughter in question was the bride-to-be, Njeri
The two told the Kikuyu vernacular station that they met in the streets; with the young man saying he met the apple of his eye while hawking shoes.
A business relationship soon turned into a wild rabbit hole of love, with the two ultimately deciding
Unfortunately, their relationship was short-lived with their families advising them to call off their union immediately.
The bride-to-be who was devastated by twist in their tale says she has been unable to date fearing her next will turn out to be her family. She was shocked that she has been having unprotected sex with her half brother, would have been pregnant!
Kikuyu Elders who were consulted over the matter said marriages between siblings are a taboo.
If the couple was already married, they would have had to undergo a cleansing to ward off evil or a possible calamity.
They advised couples planning to walk down the aisle to first consult their families or do their research before taking the relationship to the next level.
Further, they have asked parents to make sure that families meet during functions to avoid similar cases.
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Son expertos, amables, y honestos que fijarán su electrodoméstico con los más altos estándares de calidad y con piezas únicas. Hemos hecho nuestra principal prioridad para minimizar las molestias de su electrodoméstico roto por conseguirla en funcionamiento en el menor tiempo posible, lo que le permite continuar con su día a día. Además, estamos preparados para dar servicio a más de 50 marcas principales en garantía extendida, así como los aparatos ya no tienen garantía. Debemos posicionar el frigorífico a una distancia mínima de 15 centímetros de la pared.
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He signed a new four-year deal with Burnley last September – but the Clarets have decided to act with relegation looming. Burnley were defeated by Newcastle, with that result condemning them to relegation to the Championship as Leeds held on to a crucial win at Brentford to secure safety Burnley continued to compete in the upper echelons of the English league, but by the mid-Sixties they were stagnating. And between 1971 and 1985 there would be five relegations and two promotions across four divisions. Kompany is unashamed to use science to cast the net wide to find his next recruits — despite Burnley’s traditional Premier League policy of sticking to the tried and trusted. Burnley have already written their names into the history books, as with seven games remaining it is the earliest that any team has secured promotion since the Championship was created in its current form in 2004.
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Most waterproof foundations have a heavier coverage, so for the days when you want a lighter look, go for some sort of beauty balm. Originally created to be the K-Beauty version of a foundation (because they included skincare, and K-Beauty is all about the skincare—we could take notes!), these products hold onto your face easier than a slippery foundation that’s meant to cover every pore on your face. If you don’t already use setting spray, it should be an absolute must in your summer makeup routine. Fix It Forget It Setting Spray does exactly what is says! This hydrating, antioxidant rich setting spray extends your makeup for up to 24 hours and helps you stay shine-free all day long making it great for the summer heat. One of the best hacks for your makeup not to budge is to use a primer spray after applying your primer and then set it with a powder. Do that before even starting your makeup and your makeup will have the most phenomenal starting point!
When you’re going for a minimal look, a primer is the easiest way to get a smooth base. “For me, using a primer creates a base that keeps your makeup in place, so it lasts throughout the day instead of sliding around your face,” said celebrity makeup artist Erika La’Pearl. You can cater your product choices to what kind of look you’re going for or your skin type. A pore-filling primer will smooth and fill any pores without clogging them the way a thick foundation might. An illuminating primer will add that “lit from within” glow and make you look extra hydrated. Yes, you can wear makeup without foundation. If you have clear skin, there are many different ways to do your makeup without using foundation. You might be wondering what you can use without needing foundation, that’s why we’re here hun, just sit tight and enjoy the ride!
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