Omar Aden is an alleged conman around Nyayo house who was kicked out of the US, and is now peddling false stories to extort Kenyans living abroad.
Omari a Somali refugee. He benefited from UNHRC program to take refugees to Europe. He is a beneficiary of UNHCR program that supports refugees and gives them a chance to live and work in Europe.
He peddles lies on behalf of Abdi Ahmed aka Abdiwahab Dahir, a Somali national fugitive who is hiding in Kenya after his businesses were froze by American authorities for the charges of Medicare and Medicaid Fraud he faces in Minnesota.
Mr. Abdi Ahmed claims to be Diplomat or Ambassador for Jubaland in North America. This is a non existent position and he is an unemployed washed up broke Somali refugee returnee operating mostly in Kismayo and Nairobi.
He is a Shisha, Miraa and Coccaine addict and likes to evoke clan sympathy from some unsuspecting Kenyans of Somali origin.
He recently raided a child care business operated by Mr. Ahmed Baraki in Minnesota. That case and several other cases against him are pending in Minnesota Courts.
He is a runaway fugitive and Mr. Omar Aden, is harboring him and aiding and abetting his crimes.
Concerning the conman, an American daily wrote:
“A Somali-American man who was running a Transportation business in Minnesota, USA and that is now defunct entity and shut down is reportedly in Kenya. Several people have contacted the about the Post requesting we share this information to further warn unsuspecting public, especially business people, political leaders, and investors from potentially being mislead by this individual. The forms below were provided to the post from Minnesota, USA by innocent contractors and workers, who are looking for tens of thousands of dollars in wages and owed monies that Mr. Abdi Ahmed has either disappeared with or refused to pay. Mr. Abdi Ahmed, also known as Abdiwahab M. Dahir”
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