By MC.danny
A woman causes drama at Milimani law courts accusing Chief Justice David Maraga of refusing to take care of their six years old child from last year. Well the reality of the matter is that CJ Maraga has over one hundrend orphans in his care, pays school fees for them and therefore it cannot be that he is unable to provide for his daughter. Whoever who stage managed the drama, sent the woman and mobilized media to cover the event did a very shoddy job, it left Maraga strong and credible than ever.
Three lawyers representing Chief Justice David Maraga now say they will write to DCI to authenticate the root cause of the documents issued by the lady who claims to have a child with the CJ. Lawyers Danstan Omari, Samson Nyaberi and Anita Masako say the lady did not file the case at the Children’s court as she had alluded earlier. Omari told the press that the birth certificate and the application is forged .
The woman shared fake papers including a fake birth certificate. She did not provide any evidence like sms or even whatsapp chat to support her claim of the affair. The thing just backfired.
“There is no registrar of Births by the name Shamwati in the whole country.Neither has the been an officer called NP Otieno in the Nairobi office which means the certificate is generated.”Said Maraga’s Lawyer Danstan Omar.
The lady by the Name Mary Kwamboka Onyancha claimed that after Maraga sired a child with her.He took off & left her with the parenting burden. Mary said she met the CJ in 2013 during a church service where they started a romantic relationship. The outcome of the affair according to Onyancha was a child whom the Top Judge has refused to help in parenting & her attempts to seek justice against the CJ has failed. In the demand, contained in the un-stamped court documents,she wants the judge to be providing Ksh 160,000 Monthly for the child’s upkeep
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