Stephen Kipkenda of Kipkenda and Company Advocates is the powerful man behind the atrocious grabbing of land and eviction of the Asian family in Westlands.
Kipkenda is best known as the lawyer for the late powerful politician Nicholas Biwott.
Broken furniture, heaps of floor tiles and shattered panes of glass.
That is what one sees in the compound of Avani Shah and her husband Niraj Shah on School Lane in Nairobi’s Spring Valley suburb.
The Shahs are now strangers in what used to be their home for more than 20 years. They inherited the home from one of their parents who died in 2010.
Their four-bedroomed bungalow on a one acre is no more – it was flattened by people hired to forcibly evict the couple because of a land dispute. The eviction squad invaded the home on Friday.
“While driving home from work, I passed over 30 people walking towards our home without knowing they were going to target my house,’’ said Avani. “I entered the compound, closed the gate but and few minutes later, some people jumped over the gate, broke the padlock and let in others.’’
She said they broke in to the house and one Zacharia Barasa told her he had come to evict them.

‘‘I asked him on what grounds and he said Lariak Properties Ltd had bought the house from Metro Pharmaceuticals Ltd,” she said.
Her attempts to reach out to officers at Parklands, Gigiri and Spring Valley police stations to stop the people from destroying their property, failed.
The people were breaking their furniture, throwing some items out of the house and loading others in to a lorry. The place became a no go-zone for the media and the police as the invaders took control until yesterday.
Metro Pharmaceuticals Ltd is owned by her husband’s company while Lariak Properties was registered in 2002 and has four directors: Nathaniel Kipkemboi Barmasai, Samuel K Chepkwony, John Kimaiyo Rotich and Joel Kipchirchir Kiplangat.
Lariak ignored a notice by Nairobi City County and a court order issued on November 3, 2022 by Milimani Commercial Court principal magistrate H M Ng’ang’a directing that the Shahs should not be evicted.
The court document Barasa had on Friday is dated October 18, 2022 and is signed by the same magistrate.
It has four orders and one of them cautions that it should not be interpreted as an eviction order.
One of the orders also directs Parklands or Spring Valley Police Station OCSs to ensure the compliance of the orders.

‘‘I don’t know what to do anymore. This has been my home, my parents were born here same as me and my children and I love this country but how can I love it when it can’t even protect me as its citizen,’’ said Avani, who is a Kenyan of Asian extraction.
She said Metro Pharmaceuticals Ltd has no link with Lariak Properties Ltd.
‘‘I used to call this my home until Friday morning. This is what happens when rogue auctioneers like Zacharia Barasa come into your premises and destroy your property without proper orders,’’ said Niraj.
‘‘This property was owned by my late father and the title deed is in his name and we do not owe any group or company money.”
He said the lease for the property was renewed in 1998 and is valid for 50 years.
Courtesy Standard
William says
How ruthless can some people be?
Whoever is involved, let them pause for a moment and imagine themselves on the receiving end.
No human is limited and God will always punish those who make others shed tears. leave alone causing them harm
Anonymous says
These thugs should be shoot dead at uhuru park on live TV coverage!
These one of the thugs killing Asians in wetlands to disposes them form their properties as this case.
They hide under auctioneers firms but they are thugs.
Asians developed Westland, for it to become a prime region. Only for the 2010 constitution to change 999 years to 99 year to allow these thugs to displace people from their land and properties.
These 5 criminal that demolished the properties, should be take to Uhuru Park and fired squad shoot them direct to abyss, in teaching these criminal not to involve themselves in this arrogant and imbecile acts. Many Asians are being killed and Lord Delamere son (Tom Cholmondeley) was killed by imbecile that now occupy they lands.
Anonymous says
Harassment of Asians of Kenyan origin is a total disgrace.They have no voice in Kenya and end up dying or migrating.
Sad state of affairs in Kenya.
Anonymous says
I hope he’s gang raped by goons.He will know how it feels
Bure Kabisa